Mapping The Future Of Education Technology (Infographic by Michell Zappa) | Patrick James | Aug. 16, 2012 |

Infographic of emerging educational technologies to 2030 of gamification, opening of information, digitized classrooms, disintermediation, tangible computing and virtual/physical studies will transformation of classroom, studio, and virtual environments.  Downloadable visualization is at .  Diagram featured in an article at (with header text and magnifying glass).

If it’s true that 65% of today’s grade school students will work in jobs that don’t exist yet, then we better get ready for some drastically different learning environments.

Add this massive infographic to the recent discussion of futuristic dorms and what education will look like in 2020–and beyond. Designed by Michell Zappa’s Envisioning Technology (which also created that fantastic interactive infographic mapping the future of technology), this chart maps innovations in education technology for the next few decades.

Surfaced as Mapping The Future Of Education Technology (Infographic by Michell Zappa) | Patrick James | Aug. 16, 2012 | at

Mapping The Future Of Education Technology | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation

Citation that “65% of today’s grade school kids will end up at jobs that haven’t been invented yet” sources as United States Department of Labor, “Futurework — Trends and Challenges for Work in the 21st Century” was published on Labor Day 1999, at .